Mobile Network Security (SDN/VNF)

Virtualized Security – The End of Big-Irons

Featuring Research by Gartner

In this newsletter from Clavister featuring and including research by Gartner you can read about how Virtualized Security together with Software-Defined Networks transforms the telecom business.


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In this newsletter by Clavister, featuring research from Gartner, you can read about what drives adoption of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) within the telecom industry. Additionally the newsletter covers topics such as a recommendation of requirements that buyers of VNFs should consider and detailed information about how Clavisters VNFs address key challenges and opportunities in this transformational period.


The newsletter highlights the major drivers for adoption of SDN and NFV, including research indicating extensive adoption of the technology.

Research cited in the newsletter talks about 70% of all Communications Service Providers (CSPs) having conducted Proof of Concept on SDN/NFV already by 2018, and that 50% among these will move toward implementation around the same period.

Additional insights into the benefits of SDN/NFV is also covered, including anticipated Opex reduction of 60% and Capex reduction of 40%, by using virtualized network solutions.


To ensure successfull migration to SDN/NFV the Communication Service Providers must evaluate and consider a number of key aspects when choosing Security VNFs, including:
–   Can carrier grade-quality, -performance and -feature set be guaranteed in a security VNF?
–   Is there a strong eco-system and open API’s in place to ensure seamless integration to underlying SDN platforms and orchestration tools?
–   Is there a business model applied that provides flexible roll out and monitoring of numerous VNF’s as one holistic function?


In this newsletter you will learn more about Clavisters position and view of the market, the security challenges when adopting SDN/NFV and how a successful outcome can be achieved.